On Friday 13th November Explorers and Young Explorers dressed as superheroes or in non uniform to raise money for Children in Need. After assembly we were all surprised when an envelope was posted into our classrooms. When we opened it we were shocked to discover it was from the Joker and even more shocking he… Read more »
Monthly Archive: November 2015
Mad Science came to Saxilby
Today Mad Science came to Saxilby! We enjoyed their assembly! Y5/6 had a great time in their workshops!
Indoor Athletics Competition
Y5/6 Indoor athletics Well done! A well deserved 2nd place!
Children in Need
£400.29 was raised for Children in Need. Thank you to the School Council for planning the fund raising events. Well done everyone!!
Parent Governor Election
Thank you to all those who voted in the recent ballot to elect a parent governor. We are pleased to announce that Mr Chris Webster was elected. Thank you also to the other candidates who put their names forward.
Early Years Unit Newsletter – 5th November
Welcome back! We hope that you enjoyed the Half Term holidays. We have had a busy week so far, designing models, getting excited about Bonfire Night and getting ready for our WOW day! Thank you to those children who completed a random act of kindness over the holidays, we have enjoyed reading all about them…. Read more »
Y6 Bikeability Level 1 and 2 completed Well done Y6!
Explorer Update – 6th November
The children had a fantastic time on our People Who Help Us WOW day. They looked fantastic in their many different outfits, everything from police men, doctors, nurses and firemen, to refuge collectors, postmen and teachers! In the morning PC Glen from Saxilby police station came to talk to the children about his job… Read more »