All EYFS Blog Blog Entries
Our New Mascots
The children across EYFS and KS1 were very excited to be meeting our new Four Pillar Mascots! Thank you to Angel, Skye and Finn’s Grandparents for the kind donation that part funded these. Super generous, super kind xxx The children were so excited to take their mascots back home to their classes.
Exploring new vocabulary – spiral
The children have been busy exploring what spiral means 20.1.2023
Which tool is best ?
Choosing the correct painting tools for the job!
This week’s Home Vocabulary Challenge – 20th January 2023
Can you use these words in your conversations at home this week? Maybe a family competition to see who can use the most words, most often in the correct context.
WOW! What a week
We have had the best first week back! The children have been amazing! Well done to everyone
Art in the spotlight – Focus piece for week beginning 2nd May 2022
What a talented bunch you are!
We have been overwhelmed by the outstanding talent amongst our pupils. Following our questionnaire exploring what our children get up to in their spare time when not at school, we were amazed by the breadth of skill and the levels of expertise achieved. We have many gymnasts, horse riders, swimmers, footballers and even kick boxing… Read more »
Year 6 make the best book buddies Match 2022
Our oldest children make the very best book buddies for our youngest children
Fire Station Visit
In EYFS we have been learning all about the jobs of people who help us in our community. We were lucky enough to visit Saxilby Fire Station and meet with the firefighters to ask lots questions about the jobs that they do, explore their fire engine, use walkie-talkies and practice putting out fires with using… Read more »