We made it to half term! We have sent home red words and letter paddles to support your child with their phonics. We have sent home a list of sounds that will be on the paddle for your information.
The letter paddle can be used at home to make words. You can encourage your child to take the sounds off the paddle and make simple 2 and 3 letter words that they can sound out. For example: cat, dog, pan, pop, tin, on, at, in.
There are a few sounds on the paddle that your child has not yet learnt but will soon be taught in their phonics lesson.
At the start of next term we will be learning about people who help us. This was inspired when we met a friendly police officer on our visit to the fruit and veg shop. On Thursday 5th November we would like your child to dress up as someone who helps us. It could be a policeman, fireman, doctor, nurse, cleaner, vet, dentist, farmer or anything else that you can think of! Please do not spend a lot of money on this costume as they will be playing all day in it and we cannot guarantee a clean costume at the end of the day!
Have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to seeing you back on Monday 2nd November!
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Cavill, Mrs Miller, Mrs Stevenson and the
Early Years Team
Dates for the Diary
Reading Workshop — Wednesday 4th November at 9.15 am and 5pm
Dress up Wow Day — Thursday 5th November
Individual School Photos — Monday 9th November
Height and Weight checks from the school nurse —Tuesday 10th November
Children in Need Dress up Day and cake sale — Friday 13th November
Holiday Homework!
Over the holidays can you do something kind for someone else? We would like to know about it so could you record/present it in some way. It doesn’t have to be something big, it’s about the thought!