Curriculum Continuity EYFS
General Advice
-If your child is using a screen, we recommend that they do not
use it for a prolonged period of time. Use it for 20 minutes then encourage your child to rest for 10
minutes before returning to a screen. If you can, please upload any learning activities that your child does
to their Tapestry account so we can see their learning and play. We have created a list of possible
learning activities that you could do with your children.
– Continue to read the books provided by school with your children.
– Read or share your child’s favourite book with them.
– Encourage your child to retell their favourite stories to their family.
– Access the Phonics Play Website – phase 1 and 2 activities (link on reverse of document).
– Access the Classroom Secret Kids Website for phonics games and activities (link on reverse of
– Continue with our Reading Challenge – Read or share 1 book per day and write the title in your child’s
reading diary.
– Encourage your child to use their letter paddle previously given to them, with the most recent sounds
on, to practise building words with these sounds in them.
Book Review
– Ask your child to draw a picture from their favourite story book/books.
– Challenge them to write a sentence to explain what is happening in their pictures.
– Ask your child to draw a picture of their favourite character/characters.
– Challenge them to write words to describe their favourite character/characters.
General Writing activities:
– Ask your child to practise forming their letters on the letter mat provided.
– Practise ‘Look Cover Write Check’ challenge with red words.
– Challenge your child to use the letter paddle with the most recent sounds on to practise building words with
these sounds in them then ask them to write these words in their learning journal.
– Encourage your child to add a daily diary entry to their learning journal to share one thing that they have
done that day, for example, ‘Today I built a den’ .
– Prompt your child to cut out the numbers to 20 form their pack, encourage them to practise saying the
numbers and placing them in the correct order.
– Choose a number for your child and ask them to say/find the number that is 1 more /1 less than this
– Ask your child to practise forming their numbers to 20 on the number mat provided.
– Send your child on a number hunt in your house or garden, ask your child what numbers they can spot and
to write them down in their learning journal.
– Number challenges, choose an object and ask your child to find and count as many of these as possible, ask
your child to record these in their learning journal.
– Using the numbers to 20 in the pack, ask your child to collect the correct amount of items to match the
numbers that you give them.
– Ask your child to collect 3 random items and order these by height or weight.
– Send your child on a shape hunt in your house or garden, ask your child to find 2D and 3D shaped objects
using their 2D and 3D shape mats.
– Access the Classroom Secret Kids Website and choose a maths game or activitie to play (link on reverse of
– When in the garden prompt your child to spot the signs of spring.
– Encourage your child to draw and label the signs of spring in their learning journal.
– Plant a seed in your garden, talking through the process of how to plant and care for a seed with your child.
– Send your child on a garden mini beast hunt, encouraging them to find different insects in their natural
habitats and to draw/label these in their learning journal.
– Ask your child to select a random group of objects, use a sink or the bath to test the items with your child to
see whether these float/sink, talk to your child about why these items float /sink.
– Encourage your child to choose an animal that lives in the sea and research the animal to make an animal
fact file in their learning journal. Encourage your child to write facts about the animal and draw a picture of
the animal.
– Music activities will be set through charanga.
– Children’s individual logins and a helpful ‘how to use’ guide is in your child’s learning pack.
Physical Development
Fine Motor Activities:
– Make salt dough using everyday household ingredients (see recipe in your child’s learning pack).
– Encourage children to make different shapes and models using their salt dough.
– If possible, access the dough disco link on YouTube for a fun dough activity.
– Encourage your child to get dressed themselves and practise doing their buttons and zips.
– Encourage your child to cut out and stick pictures from magazines/TV guides/catalogues and place them in
their learning journal.
Gross Motor Activities:
– Encourage your child to experiment with different ways of moving e.g hopping, skipping, jumping etc.
– Use a timer to set challenges for how many activities can be done in a minute.
– Play your child their favourite song and ask them to make a dance routine for their song. Remember to video
the routine and upload this to tapestry if you can!
– Access CosmicKids yoga through the website provided.
– Encourage your child to make puppets of characters from their favourite stories and use these to retell the
story to a sibling or adult.
– Use recyclable junk resources to build models linked to their favourite story books and characters.
– Gather natural resources from the garden to create pictures and pieces of art.
– Colour/draw/paint things that they can see in their garden or out of their window.
Useful websites and links: – login and instruction details sheet in learning pack – login and instruction details sheet in learning pack – login and instruction details on inside of folder – login details stapled to user guide in learning pack – click on the ‘watch’ tab, then choose a video, there are a range of
free yoga and mindfulness videos to watch and follow – click ‘free play’ to access free phonics games for children – doughdisco