School Governor Safeguarding Update May 2022
The safeguarding governors have been busy! We have carried out a monitoring visit to check the School Central Record is up to date. This is a very important school document and a key part of our safeguarding procedures. It is a document that will also be reviewed by Ofsted on their visit to ensure we are compliant with safeguarding requirements. The outcome was that it is regularly monitored and updated and showed the correct detail for all staff. However, we identified a that new Governor induction and information needed to be processed quicker, which has now been addressed.
We also met staff to discuss on-line safety and how COVID led to an increase in on-line usage for our pupils. The visit demonstrated that clear policies regarding IT are in use for pupils and staff within school and at home. The school are in the process of updating their pupils acceptable use agreements to roll out across school. The school keeps abreast of changes and is proactive in identifying new issues and resolving them promptly. All of the pupils have recently completed online safety workshops with, John Jeffries, a local ICT consultant. Our next visit in school is to attend one the school’s Computing Ambassadors meetings.
Update provided by the Safeguarding Governors May 2022