School Governors play an important role in overseeing the management of the school.
The Governing Body and its Committees:
- Plans the school’s long-term future including its aims and objectives
- Sets policies and targets
- Reviews and monitors progress in achieving the aims, objectives and targets
- Promotes high standards of education and care
- Provides support and challenge
- Approves and monitors the schools budget
- Appoints senior staff including the Head Teacher
Governors also spend time in school in their role as ‘critical friend’, observing teaching and learning and supporting staff. This helps them to understand the day-to-day organisation of the school and to make informed decision for future developments. They are also invited to all school events and activities, and participate whenever possible.
Governing Body Business and Meetings
All the business of meetings and monitoring visits are agreed on an annual basis so that everyone is aware in advance of their work ahead, to help them plan and prepare for meetings and visits. The annual planner for 2024/25 can be found here:
Annual Business Planner 2024-25
Dates for governing body meetings are also agreed ahead and the meetings for 2024-25 are here:
Contacting the Governing Body
We welcome letters and value your comments. If you wish to raise issues relating to the day to day running of the school these should, in the first instance, be referred to the Headteacher. You can contact the governing body either via the school office or directly by contacting the Clerk to Governors
Mrs Imogen Lemon
Clerk to Governors
Tel: Please phone the school office and Imogen will return your call.
Standard agenda papers and minutes of all governing body meetings are available on request from the Clerk to Governors, Imogen Lemon.
Governing Body Impact
Governors’ impact is essential. At the end of each meeting the collective impact of the decisions made is quantified. These are set out as impact statements which are re-evaluated on an annual basis as part of a process of continual improvement. The impact statement for 2024-25 are to be found here.