There is currently a waiting list for Kids Club and we are not taking in any more members at the moment. 

Please contact the club to put your name on the waiting list if you require a place. 


Saxilby Kids Club Brochure and Handbook September 2022


Kids Club

We offer wrap around care, before and after the school day. We are a big part of Saxilby School and come under the governance and running of the school as a whole.

We are an inclusive setting, having a wide variety of quality resources which suit the needs of all children in a comfortable and welcoming environment. We make use of our natural surroundings; going for walks and visits to libraries as well as parks all with your agreement. We also take our resources outdoors, play team games, have picnics and play in the school playgrounds and fields.

Opening Hours

Breakfast Club opens at 7.45 a.m. and runs until school starts, when we make sure the children are delivered safely to their classes. We stop serving breakfast at 8.20am. After school we are open until 6.00 pm, though you are welcome to collect before then. We do not operate an hourly rate and sessions run alongside school term times. Additional late charges will be made for pickups after 6pm.


Our charges are as follows

Breakfast Club   £4.50                         After School £7.70                   

There is a discount for siblings as follows:

Breakfast Club  0.50p discount         After School  £1.00   discount          

We also offer a further 5% for full time contracts with the club i.e where families are invoiced for all week, before and after school


Contact Details:

For further info please contact the team on

Contact details:

Telephone 7.30-9am & 3.15-6.15 –  07565 991007

                  9am-3.15 01522 702669
