Curriculum Continuity KS1
General Advice
– If using a screen, please do not use for a prolonged period of time.
Use for 20 minutes than have a rest for 10 minutes before returning to a screen. Create a
timetable to help you mix screen activities with ‘doing’ activities.
1. To continue reading your reading book from school.
2. Try to challenge yourself to start the 20 books in 2020 challenge. Fill in your home
diary each time you read so that you can show your teacher.
3. Reading comprehension questions can be found in your packs.
4. Phonics – There are a range of websites to practise your phonics.
• – press ‘books and reading’, then ‘have some fun’, then ‘story
books and games)
1. To practise your spellings you can go on to Spelling Shed ( and
play spelling games. Please find your username and password in your home diaries.
2. You can find the high frequency words attached which you can practise. Why don’t you
try writing them out in bubble writing, rainbow writing and putting them into a
3. Use the pictures in the packs to write your own stories. We can’t wait to read them
when we get back.
1. On Mathletics there will be work set for you by your class teacher.
2. In your pack you will find a maths booklet that you can complete.
1. Please see attached the home learning project for you to enjoy while you are not in
school. We will set the date for these to be shown when we return to school.
1. Please find your username and password for Charanga on the Charanga letter provided
in your pack. When you log on to Charanga website you will see learning that is set for
1. In your pack you will see sheets which show you core movements. Have a go at each
movement and write how many reps you do of each. Maybe you could challenge a
family member to do it with you.
2. Have a look at the Joe Wicks 5 minute move videos on Youtube.
1. Story egg challenge – Can you decorate a hardboiled egg as your favourite book
character and create a scene to place your character. Take a photo and email it
across to your teacher. We are looking forward to guessing which character you have
1. Design and make a boat. Can you choose the right materials from around the house?
Does your boat float or sink? Please take photos of the boat you have made and
send it to your class teacher.
Platforms to use: (Spelling Shed)