The Home Learning Grid
This is your home learning grid, one page with a number of activities for all stages of language learning. For each language learning stage, we have selected five topics from the Scheme of Work, and within each topic we have put three buttons:
A is for Activity – this is the QR code sheet on which the children will have six QR codes they can scan and play games using a phone or tablet
K is for Knowledge Organiser – now that the audio has been added, the children can now practise the key vocabulary and phonics for their topic and share it with their family at home
V is for Video – this is a native speaker video that the children can watch, and join in with any activities
By accessing these activities, videos and vocabulary, the children will be able to practise their language learning at home and revisit any previous topics they have covered, if they wish.
Stage 1 is Year 3, Stage 2 is Year 4, Stage 3 is Year 5 and Stage 4 is Y6.
Pupils in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are more than welcome to explore Stage 1 topics to see what they will be doing in KS2.