We aim to educate for community and living well together.
Educating for community and living well together recognises that our humanity is a ‘co-humanity’. We are inextricably involved with others, utterly relational both in our humanity and our shared life on a finite planet. As we all have ultimate worth, we are called to have a responsibility towards each other and to our communities. Therefore we aim for our school community to be with and for others. We work hard to develop character to enable people to flourish together.
What might this look like for our children?
Our character development curriculum acknowledge the important of the taught and caught curriculum. Supported by our restorative practice and collectives worship we continually develop the community ethos of our school with a clear focus being on how we all conduct ourselves contributes to what we create. We work hard to encourage pupil voice through weekly check-ins and check-outs as well as individual pupil voice sessions and group interviews to gauge how life is for our children as part of our community.
What might this look like for our staff and governors?
Our staff work well together to develop practice. We have lesson study groups as well as curriculum teams. We try hard to reduce any isolation and actively work to share good practice. We link with other schools through Peer Review and work closely with the teaching Hub. Our subject leaders are members of national groups linked to their subjects. Our Governors are members of national organisations and have been central in establishing cross school training and development groups in recent years. We strongly feel that we are better together, both a teachers and as people. Our
What might this look like for our wider community?
We are blessed that we are part of a wonderful village community. We are well supported by an active and committed PTA who work hard to bring our wider school community together as much as possible. We utilize the expertise of local people and invite volunteers in whenever we can. We enjoy sharing our celebrations through our Shine and Share sessions. Our valued virtues provide great opportunity of walking our values, for example our Umbrella Cafe gave away free morning cuppas and cakes to the local community and other acts of kindness saw children’s delivering spring time flowers to the doorsteps of local people.
This is our Community Newsletter