Family Support provide a confidential support service to families in school.

Our Family Support Worker is Theresa Miller.

We are here to support parents and children by providing a confidential and supportive service which includes providing information, advice, advocacy, 1:1 sessions, home visits, events and courses.

We are a range of strategies and support systems that we can use to support families. One such tools as an Early Help Assessment. An Early Help Assessment is a way of gathering information about children and the whole family in one place and using it to help decide what type of support is needed to help a family. People from different organisations will talk to one another, share information with your consent and work together with you to help to support you and your children.

This can also be used to access further external support if needed through Team Around the Child (TAC)

Team around the Child Leaflet for Parents

What is a TAC?

Children and families may experience a range of needs at different times in their lives. All children including children with additional needs require access to high quality universal services. Some children are at risk of poor outcomes. These are children with additional needs and they will require targeted support from a range of different agencies and may require a Team around the Child (TAC), a group of professionals who can provide different services to meet the identified need(s).

When a TAC is required

When a professional from any agency identifies a child with an additional need and where the care needs require co-ordination due to complexity or due to the number of agencies involved, then a Team around the Child meeting should be initiated. As a guide, a TAC would normally be required where two or more support services are involved, however this is not prescriptive and professionals should use their judgement to consider when a TAC is necessary.

As a parent or carer it may be difficult to know where or who to go to for support and advice.  Parents/carers are encouraged to speak to professionals that they have an existing relationship with and if necessary ask if they can help arrange a TAC to help support you with the issues you are concerned about.

Lead Professional

The Lead Professional is normally appointed after consultation between workers and family members at the first TAC meeting. The Lead Professional acts as a single point of contact for the family/child/ young person and professionals. The Lead Professional ensures that the family receive appropriate interventions when needed, which are well planned, reviewed regularly and effectively delivered


We have an open door policy and everyone is welcome so please feel free to drop in or contact school on 01522 702669. Please feel free to contact us any day if you require urgent support. We will always be here for you.

Support for Domestic Violence Concerns

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