We aim to educate for hope and aspiration.

We understand that life can present great opportunity, and great challenge. We aim to open up horizons of hope and aspiration and guide people to flourish in the highs and lows of daily life. We will teach and support them to cope wisely with things, and people, when they are going well and when they’re going wrong. We will teach and support them to understand that bad experiences, behaviour and wrong doing will not have the last word. We will support everyone in developing resource for healing, repair and renewal. Living through our valued virtues we will help our community cope with the challenges and opportunities daily life presents.

What might this look like for our children?

The taught curriculum is carefully planned across the year. Just as important as this, is the ‘caught’ curriculum. Daily life in school and the actions of others influence the growth and development of everyone. We understand how important social relationships are in our learning journey and the challenges this can sometimes present. For example, we are a restorative practice based school and ensure that the principles of restorative practice are used to guide and support everyone. When faced with conflict of any kind our motto is ‘connection before correction’. Our strong emphasis on relationships supports children to forgive and restore friendships after falling out or disagreeing. We see these challenges as great learning opportunities.

What might this look like for our staff and governors?

We are ambitious for all our adults in school. People are encouraged to make suggestions and take on leadership roles if they feel they have something to offer. For example, a recently qualified teacher worked along side an NPQSL graduate to be Goal Leader on a key area of our school improvement plan. A member of our midday team worked an extra 10 minutes a day to develop the courtyard area of school to improve it for our children. provided with a budget and the authority to plan and deliver, they purchased plants and artefacts to develop the space as they saw best for the children.

What might this look like for our wider community?

We have a passionate open door policy and support our families through challenging times, and celebrate alongside them in the good times. We are keen to know about wider family life and encourage a close partnership beyond the classroom.

For example we have supported families with housing challenges, ensuring they are rehomed in a safe house. We have supported families after house fires with food and new household items.

We have a strong code of conduct for staff and parents to ensure we continually grow together for the good of all.


This is our hope newsletter



This video may help develop a deeper understanding of hope