We aim to educate for wisdom knowledge and skills.
Our aim is to enable discipline, confidence and a wonderful delight in seeking wisdom, knowledge and skills, developing talents in all areas of life. We aim for us all to be lifelong learners, understanding how knowledge and skills can be built developed and utilised to shape life well. We aim to go further than just adding to our knowledge and skill bank. Our true desire is that we also develop the wisdom to use our knowledge and skills in the best way possible, utilising all they have learnt for good. We will do this by ensuring the we all have strong academic habits and skills, both generic and specialist to subject disciplines, developed across a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunity to apply what we have learnt in a range of experiences and contexts.
What might this look like for our children?
Our curriculum is broad and balanced, ensuring all children benefit from all subjects, developing specialisms and love for key subjects over time. We provide opportunity that encourages children to think more deeply, developing the wisdom required in life. For example, an art unit planned to look at Banksy goes further than the life and times of such a unique artist. It also asks the children to explore the key question ‘when is art worth millions and when is it graffiti?’
What might this look like for our staff and governors?
All staff in school have access to ongoing professional development. For example, we have a development pathway that supports personal ambition as well as whole school development. For example, we have a number of leaders who have completed the National Qualification for Middle Leaders before moving onto National Qualification for Senior Leaders. We have Playleaders, supporting our lunchtime provision who have completed a range of qualifications on line, at home, self chosen as well as receiving direct coaching and support from a colleague in another school to apply this learning on the playground. Our school Governors have a comprehensive training pathway from induction through to developing specialisms such as financial governance.
What might this look like for our wider community?
We are here to support everyone to grow, learn and develop truly believing there is always something new to learn and understand. For example, we have supported a number of parents to access training and support through agencies such as the sleep clinic to address challenges they are facing at home. Our Family Support Worker works tirelessly to support and facilitate such training, recently attending a virtual training session for parents on A Saturday, providing the much needed support but also the opportunity to follow up on the learning moving forward. We have supported a number of people from the local community on work placements and volunteer placements to support their journey back into work. Many of these are now employed with us, while other shave gone off to achieve success in other school, workplaces of professions, supported by our love, encouragement, training and a reference that supports what they have to offer.
This is our wisdom newsletter
This video may help develop a deeper understanding of wisdom