Our Parent School Improvement Group play a central role in the school’s improvement journey. We meet monthly to discuss key school issues, develop school policy and support the school’s continuous growth and development.
This year we have developed a new School Fundraising Policy, reviewed the Homework Policy and set up a community charity project to develop the school’s reference library.
Parent School Improvement Group
What is the Parent School Improvement Group?
This is a monthly meeting which provide an excellent forum for parents to come together, share ideas and put forward their views to the head teacher and the governing body of their school. It aims to give parents a voice and increase their involvement in decision-making and the continued improvement of our school. A group such as this forms a stronger partnership between the school and parents in order to support and promote your child’s learning and bring about change.
The benefits of a parent group
- A route through which parents as a group advise the governing body of their views.
- A route for the governing body to consult parents as a group.
- Bringing parents together socially.
- Providing support to parents.
- Helping parents to support their child.
- Enabling parents to get involved in the life of the school.
- An opportunity for personal development.
- Reaching out to other parents.
Why have a parent group?
The biggest factor influencing the success of a child is the parents. Involving parents in the school brings these two forces together and improves behaviour, results and the school. Parent groups can provide schools with support in many areas, from developing their strategies for engaging hard to reach audiences, to developing community cohesion, to support the well being of the school and its pupils.
Roles of the Parent School Improvement Group
Consultative and advisory role, the governing body remains the decision maker and provides strategic leadership. It is not a channel for individual complaints or issues. Concerns involving individual children, families or teachers will not be discussed.