‘Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.’
Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, September 2021
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.It supports an integrated approach to early learning and care and gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare experiences to all children.
As well as being the core document for all professionals working in the foundation years, the EYFS framework gives parents and carers the confidence that regardless of where they choose for their child’s early education, they can be assured that the same statutory commitments and principles will underpin their child’s learning and development experience.
Our Vision for Learning in the
Early Years Foundation Stage
Within the Early Years Foundation Stage at Saxilby School we endeavor to shape; happy, confident and curious learners, who are encouraged to flourish throughout the early years of their education. We aim to light the educational spark that prompts children to ask questions, develop their own learning and follow their own lines of enquiry to deepen their knowledge and understanding of themselves and the world around them. Developing children that are; secure and, not only ready for their next stage of development, but equipped with the tools needed to succeed through their educational journey with high goals and aspirations for the future.
At Saxilby School we have a dedicated team of engaging, confident and nurturing leaders within our Early Years Foundation Stage. We believe that, as a team, we ensure that all of our children receive the very best possible start to their educational journey. We are proud to promote leaders of learning that are comfortable, confident and skilled in guiding learning through a variety of different methods and experiences. Through having a good understanding of the process of how children learn and the importance of early language, reading and maths we feel that our children receive the early educational skills and knowledge that create the foundations for future learning.
In addition to our Early Years Foundation Stage Team we recognise the huge importance of providing a vibrant, welcoming and enabling educational environment which also guides and encourages our children to become independent and confident learners. Through a play-based curriculum that encompasses both child-led and teacher-led learning and experiences, provided alongside inclusive and rich provision, we feel that a quality and accessible learning environment is created for all of our children.
At Saxilby School we cherish the uniqueness of every child and encourage children to progress through their educational journey at a pace that suits them. We understand that, like flowers beginning to grow in a garden, children bloom at different ages and stages of their lives and at different speeds.
Our Curriculum
Our Early Years curriculum has been designed following the educational programmes as outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework published by the Department for Education in September 2021.
We have created an overview which outlines the broad topic areas for our Reception and Nursery curriculum. This has been created to scaffold children’s learning within the EYFS at Saxilby School, however, we pride ourselves on following the individual needs and interests of our children and as our children and yearly cohorts differ, so does the deliverance of our curriculum.
The over-arching curriculum areas and topic foci for our Early Years curriculum are linked with our KS1 and KS2 curriculums in order to ensure educational progression throughout the first years of a child’s education.
Alongside our curriculum overview, we use the ‘Focus Education – Progress through Early Years (2021)’ document which provides descriptors to help staff working within our Early Years Foundation stage to recognise the stages of development, throughout nursery and reception, towards the end of Reception ‘Early Learning Goals’.
These descriptors are created from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and are used to support all adults working with children in the EYFS to carry out high quality observations, assessment and planning. A wide range of activities and experiences are then planned for the children in our Early Years Foundation Stage to enable them to develop and learn effectively. Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful play, and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities. Practitioners respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction.
Staff at Saxilby School always ensure that children’s individual needs, interests and stage of development are considered when planning to ensure learning is an effective, challenging and enjoyable experience.
Useful documents:
Reception Transition Booklet 2022
Useful Websites: