Welcome to Year Five and Six.

Our Curriculum

Children move into Key Stage Two in the September following their seventh birthday. There is a planned transition programme which ensures that children are familiar with the routines and expectations in the Key Stage when they move up. Teaching follows the National Curriculum and a modern foreign language is continued.

Key Stage Two classrooms are more formally organised but there is much opportunity for group work and interactive learning. Curriculum enrichment includes sporting and musical activities, chess, craft and residential visits in Year four and Year six.

The New National Curriculum

In September 2014, a new National Curriculum became statutory at Saxilby and in schools throughout the country. As in all schools, we have been able to decide what is taught in which year in some subjects, although all aspects of the curriculum should be covered by the time the children leave us in Year Six. However the requirements of what is to be taught in Reading, Writing and Maths in each year are non-negotiable. The attached leaflets give the overview of what is to be covered, and show the progression from year to year, as well as the high expectations of the new curriculum.


The New Primary National Curriculum

Parents Guide to the new National Curriculum for Year 5

Parents Guide to the new National Curriculum for Year 6 

Expectations for Year 6 leaflet

Expectations for Year 5 leaflet


SATS revision links:


PE Time Table

Mr Otters’s class (USA): Tuesday and Friday
Mr Alban’s class (Australia): Thursday
Mrs King’s class (Jamaica): Tuesday and Friday

Please make sure children have their PE kits in school, especially on this day.



Pupil Interviews 23rd February 2023

It’s not all Greek to us!

We have been learning about who the Greeks were and their place in civilisation.  

Update the database ..

In computing, we are looking at databases. Today we made our own records, to form a database. We had to sort the records into different groups as quickly as we can! It was harder than we thought as we increased the number of records in our database!  

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