Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report
At Saxilby C of E Primary School we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve their best at school. We believe that each pupil has individual and unique needs.
Quality first teaching is vital; however for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets. In order to do this many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey.
What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?
1. Contact your child’s class teacher. |
2. Together you will decide on a plan of action, referring to the schools tiered support system. |
3. The Special Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (Sendco ) will be informed and if appropriate, the child will be placed on the SEND register. |
4. Targets may be decided together or outside agencies may be requested to support. |
How will the school respond to my concern?
1. Initial concerns may be discussed with the class teacher at an appropriate time. |
2. A further meeting may take place with or without the Sendco dependent on the need of the child. |
3. Assessments or observations may be requested from external agencies to support with setting suitable targets or referrals. |
4. A plan will be put together which includes specific smart targets . |
5. The plan will be shared with the pupil, parents and supporting adults |
6. The targets will be reviewed with the pupil and parents regularly. |
How will Saxilby C of E Primary School know if a child needs extra help?
Children can require extra help for lots of reasons. Through regular assessments and observations the class teacher can identify if a child is not progressing to reach their full potential.
We know that pupils need help if :
- Concerns are raised by Parents / Carers or the child.
- Concerns are raised by school staff.
- Limited progress is being made.
- There is a change in the pupil’s behaviour or progress.
What will Saxilby C of E Primary School do to support my child?
Your child’s targets will be set and their progress monitored by the class teacher, however they may receive support from Teaching Assistants, other teachers or outside agency support workers. The school will monitor children using a graduated approach meaning teachers will assess the children’s need, plan from these assessments, implement the plan in the classroom and then review the impact of the plan.
ASSESS– Through a full assessment of the child’s needs.
PLAN- SMART targets are created using information collected in the ASSESS part. These could be using National Curriculum levels or one of the school’s explicit assessment tools.
DO – A range of different strategies will be used to help your child
REVIEW – Targets will be reviewed regularly with the pupil. Parents will be invited in for reviews throughout the year.
How will my child be supported to access the curriculum?
At Saxilby School staff differentiate work to enable all children to access the full curriculum.
- Teaching Assistants may be allocated to work with individual pupils or to lead small focus, intervention groups.
- If a child has been identified as having an additional needs they will be given an individual passport that details their needs.
- During learning the teacher will set appropriate targets with the child. These targets will be monitored and assessed on a regular basis.
- If a child is on the SEND register their progress will be discussed at an SEND review meeting at least three times a year.
- Following appropriate assessments strategies will be put in place by the class teacher to support the child.
How will I know how my child getting on in school?
You will be able to discuss your child’s progress at Parent’s Evening, SEND review meetings or by making an appointment.
- For some child a home school book is a good way of communicating between the Parent and teacher on a regular basis.
- Your child’s class teacher will be available at the beginning and end of each school day if you have any concerns. Sometimes it may be more appropriate to arrange a more convenient time to discuss your concerns.
- The Sendco has an open door policy and can be contacted by telephone or at the school office.
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
- The class teacher may suggest ways of how you can support your child.
- Sendco may meet with you to discuss how you can support your child and offer strategies that may help.
- If outside agencies have been involved suggestions or strategies may be recommended for use at home.
- The school delivers various workshops to parents to inform them of strategies and to support home learning.
What support will there be if my child has a medical need?
- If a pupil has a medical need then a detailed care plan is compiled with support from relevant medical professionals, parents and carers. All staff who are involved with the pupil are fully informed and training given if needed.
- Where necessary and in agreement with parents / carers medicines are administered but only where a signed consent form is in place to ensure the safety of both child and staff member.
What specialist services and expertise can be accessed by our school?
At times it may be necessary to consult with outside agencies to receive their more specialised expertise. This will be planned in advance and you will be invited to talk to your child’s teacher or the Sendco about this beforehand. Agencies used by our school include:
- Working Together Team
- Specialist Teaching Team (STT)
- Educational Psychologist
- SILS (Sensory Impairment Lincolnshire Service )
- Counselling
- Family Action Support
- Family Support Worker
- BOSS ( Behavioural Outreach Support Service)
- St Francis Special School Outreach Team
- Dyslexia Outreach
- Pupil Referral Team
We can also make referrals or write letters to inform other agencies of issues regarding education, health and safety. These include;
- GPs and paediatricians
- Children’s Services
- Child and Adolescence Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech and Language
- Healthy Minds
- School Nursing Team
What training have the staff supporting our children received?
- Our Sendco Mrs Jilly Hicks holds the “National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination ”qualification.
- Staff at Saxilby have been trained in the following areas;
- Safeguarding
- Dyslexia
- Autism awareness
- Precision Teaching
- Colourful Semantics
- Social and Emotional needs
- Team Teach
- Medical needs
- Pathological Demand Avoidance
- Attachment Theory
- Behaviour
- First Aid
- Anger Management
- Phonics
- Literacy and Numeracy Interventions
All training for staff is regularly reviewed and updated
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom and on school trips?
All classes include educational visits to enhance the curriculum and residential trips are organised for children in Year 4 and Year 6. All children will be included, ensuring any specific needs that children have are taken into account within the risk assessment.
- Activities and school trips are accessible to all. Prior to the visit risk assessments are carried out to identify any possible issues and procedures are put in place.
- For residential visits children and parents may be invited to visit the site before the departure date and meetings will be held to plan for the child’s needs.
- Social stories are used prior to visits to prepare children.
All children have an equal right to attend our extra-curricular clubs; this includes Breakfast Club and after school club.
How accessible is the school environment?
The facilities that we have at present include:
- Ramps are available to enable access to the building.
- 2 toilets adapted for disabled users
- Doors are wide enough to allow wheelchair access
- Medical room with shower
We are happy to discuss individual access requirements.
How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school?
Many strategies are in place to enable the child’s transition to be as smooth as possible. These can include:
- Pre visits to the school.
- Open days
- Staff from Saxilby visit Pre-school settings and carry out home visits.
- Discussions with parents/ carers and any previous education settings.
- Sendco to attend send meetings prior to child starting.
- Transition days are arranged for the child to meet their new class teacher and peers.
- Phased transition can be arranged if required.
- Liaise with outside agencies already involved with the child.
- Liaise with Sendco from previous setting to ensure smooth transition.
- School receives and implements relevant paperwork from the nursery or previous school, e.g. your child’s learning journey, any SEN or medical information
How will the school prepare and support my child for transition to another class or another school setting?
- Meetings with Sendco and relevant staff at new school or new class teacher.
- Transition visits are arranged.
- Pupil Profiles are prepared and sent .
- Meetings are arranged with parents/ carers and relevant staff or agencies from new school or new class.
- Social stories with pictures are prepared to support the child.
- We familiarise the child with new routines, timetables and procedures.
- Supported transition visits are arranged for individual children.
- Outside agencies will support individual children with transition if require
How will school prepare and support my child to transfer to secondary school?
We understand the transfer to secondary school can be a daunting time for everyone and maybe even more so if your child has SEN. We will support you and your child by:
- Children visit their secondary school for a range of days and activities throughout Year 6.
- Inviting the Sendco from the secondary school to attend the last review meeting of year 6.
- Organising agency support for transition, e.g. Working Together Team.
- Provide information about the needs of your child to their transferring school through paperwork, emails, meetings or phone conversation.
- Complete transition booklets to support your child in becoming familiar with the new routines of the school, e.g. maps, timetables, photos of key members of staff.
- Organise additional visits to the school as necessary.
How will my child be able to contribute their views about their learning in school?
- Teachers meet with children regularly to discuss how they feel about their learning. This involves discussing the children’s targets and next steps.
- Children are encouraged to share their views and feelings about their learning with staff in the school in a number of ways.
- Learning conversations and three houses forms to help children share any worries.
- Questionnaires
- Pupil led learning and school council.
- Children may discuss their views with outside agencies.
What support will there be for my child’s social and emotional well-being?
The school offers a variety of pastoral support for children and families. These include:
- Discussions with your child’s class teacher
- Discussions with the Head teacher
- Meetings with the family support worker
- Bespoke learning environment and timetables to support emotional regulation.
- The school has staff that are trained to deliver emotional and social learning support.
- The school has access to a variety of outside agencies including; Behaviour Outreach Support Service, Working Together Team, Educational Psychologists, Grief and Loss, Family Action, Macmillan nurses and Individual counsellors.
- As a Church School we have close links with churches in the Village and members of the clergy are regular visitors in School and are always available to the children.
Who can I contact for further Information?
If you would like any further information we have an open door policy so please pop in or phone to speak to Mrs Jilly Hicks