What are SHINE assemblies?

Parents are welcome to join us for our Shine Assemblies. This is our weekly celebration assembly which focuses on a particular phase each week. The dates for each phase are outlined below. If your child achieves an award outside of school, they are very welcome to bring this in to share in our Friday assembly. This can be placed in the Over the Moon Box in the school office.
What are SHARE sessions?
Share Sessions are an opportunity to come and work alongside your child in the classroom. These take place once a term.
Each phase will work towards a Homework Exhibition. Over a term, the children will have a homework project that they will then display in a special celebratory exhibition at the end of the term. All parents will have the opportunity to look around each exhibition in a Share session.
Autumn Terms – Year 5/6 Exhibition / Spring Terms – Year 3/4 Exhibition / Summer Terms – Year 1/2 Exhibition
Which church do the children visit?

KS2 Church Services will take place at St Botolph’s Church. Everyone is welcome to meet us there. EYFS and KS1 Church Services take place at the Methodist Church.
Each class will perform a small class assembly to share what they have been learning. Everyone is welcome to come along and watch.
What is Messy church?
Messy Church is a free, craft and activity session run by the local community. It is an afternoon session and includes a lovely meal. Everyone is welcome.
What happens at school productions?
EYFS and KS1 perform a Christmas Production, Year 3 and 4 perform an Easter production and Year 5 and 6 perform an end of year show. There will be one Family Friendly Show, where younger children are welcome to attend if needed and two performances for adults only.
What is Sports Week?
We hold an annual sports week where children will experience a range of sport experiences. The children will need to wear sports kit all week and if possible, a coloured T-shirt to match their school team. Sports day will be held on the Wednesday and all phases will compete on the this day. We also hold a family picnic over lunchtime. This all depends on the weather of course!

What about dressing up?
Dressing up expectations – we join in the annual Christmas Jumper Day as well as World Book Day where your child can dress up as a book character of their choice. We also do a whacky dress up day for Children in Need. There may be some other theme days that are linked to the topic your child is learning about. We will give as much notice as possible for these via parentmail.
Can the school give my child medicine?
We are allowed to administer medication in school with parental consent, please ask the school office for a form. We do ask that if your child needs medicine we request for it to be given at lunch times. If your child needs it before or after lunch, we ask for the parent to come in to administer.
How do I apply for the Young Explorers preschool?
To register your interest for your child to join Young Explorers please speak to the school office where they will ask you to fill in a form. We take Young Explorers for the September after they turn 3 and we offer 15 funded hours spread across a week.
What do I do if I want to take my child on holiday during term time?
Any holidays taken in term time will be automatically marked as unauthorised as the school can no longer authorise holidays. You will need to visit the school office and ask for an absence request form. This lets us know when your child will not be in school so that we do not need to phone you. The same form can be used for doctors appointments.
How do I order school meals?
Visit the meal selector website and register to order meals for your child. Meals cost £2.20 and you are able to choose from a main meal, an alternative (jacket potato) or a vegetarian option. Hayley in the kitchen is always happy to help with any dietary requirements your child may have.