Please click on the links below to find out more about supporting your child’s learning journey in reading
Higher Order Reading Skills Guide for Parents
Guide to supporting reading development in Key Stage 1
Please find below all the information from the parent’s Reading Workshops held in September.
Read Write Inc. Book Bag Books
‘Read, Write, Inc’ is the reading scheme that we use at Saxilby to teach and support your child through their Early Reading and Phonics learning.
Now that we have begun to explicitly teach your children the first set of sounds, we have two styles of ‘Read, Write, Inc’ books that we can send home to support you in supporting your child with their phonics and reading at home.
The first is a ‘Read, Write, Inc’ Book Bag Blending Book; this is used to encourage your child to begin blending sounds in simple words together, in order to read the word correctly.
Within the inside cover of every book there is a section called ‘How to help your child read this book’, this is a guide to support you in supporting your child with reading these books.
The guidance is an ordered set of handy tips;
- Ask your child to read the word on the right-hand page.
- Ask your child to say thee sounds that they can see, in order, to work out the word.
- If your child struggles to do this, ask them to read the sounds more quickly and have another go.
- Then ask your child to turn the page to see if they were right. Use the picture on the second page to check.
- If your child needs further support, say the sounds together and then blend these sounds to make the word together.
Please note, that when there are two letters underlined this is because they make one sound and should be said together.
The second is a ‘Read Write Inc’ Book Bag Story Book; these are used once your child is able to orally blend sounds in the blending book to read the simple words. These books put these simple, decodable words into short sentences for your child to read.
Within the inside cover of every book there is a section called ‘How to help your child read this book’, this is an invaluable tool that supports all adults in reading successfully their children.
The guidance gives step by step points to support your child with reading the book, these are;
Ask your child to read the words labelled ‘Story Green Words’ and ‘Red Words’ before reading the story. If you child struggles with any of the green words encourage them to sound it out with you and blend the sounds together. If your child struggles to recognise the red word, tell them the word and remind them of this word if they forget throughout the story.
- Use your ‘Dittie Stick’ (lollipop stick) to point to the words as your child reads. If your child hesitates, help them to sound out the word and blend it together.
- Re-read each sentence or page for your child, once they have read it, to keep the story going. At this point in their journey children will be focussing hard on reading the individual words and so sometimes struggle with focusing on the story at the same time.
Please note that as your child progresses through each level of the ‘Read, Write, Inc’ books the guidance on ‘How to help your child read this book’ may change slightly.