Never before has there been so many superheroes in one place at the same time! The children ended their superhero topic with an exciting themed dress-up day. They all looked absolutely fantastic and went to a tremendous effort! The day started with a visit and talk from a real life superhero. The children were interested to hear about life as a Royal Marine Commando. They found out what training is involved and what super powers it takes to become a Marine.

Throughout the day, children were set a series of exciting special missions to complete in which they had to overcome a problem. They had to rescue citizens of Saxilby from some green slimy jelly and toxic custard without using their hands, as well as manoeuvre their bodies through the giant spider web and not get caught! The children also spent time making superhero vehicles, gadgets and rescue devices from junk modelling. They really enjoyed having the freedom to be creative. It was a fantastic day and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Take a look at the pictures!

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