Key Stage 1 have been learning about Rio de Janeiro and found out that every year they hold a carnival which lasts for several days and nights. This is to celebrate the culture, history, music and images of Brazil. The carnival consists of a spectacular parade where the people of Brazil wear elaborate and fancy clothing along with colourful masks to dance and sing their way through the streets. A competition is also held for the best samba schools to be crowned winners.

As we found this so exciting we thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to show our parents, carers and families what we have learnt in Share.

As the soft sounds of birds chirped through the hall eager parents, carers and family waited in anticipation for a glimpse of the Saxilby parade. They needn’t have worried as France class burst into the room with the strong sounds of beating drums and shaking maracas, closely followed by the shrill of tambourines and sleigh bells from Spain class. Italy class soon joined the hall providing the heart beat to the parade with agogos and guiros. The children wore their elaborately designed masks complete with feathers, glitter and bright colours to add authenticity and excitement to the parade.

As the adults sat in amazement, each class shared important information and facts that they had learned about carnival.

Much to the delight of the teachers this was followed by the Samba dance competition in which pupils (and staff) had been practicing and going to great lengths to keep their dance moves top secret. Fortunately, on hand were three very willing judges flown in from France, Italy and Spain to cast their eye and decide upon a winner. It was a tough competition with Italy class dancing with excellent rhythm and synchronicity, Spain class had an attitude-packed boys v girls dance off and France class wowed everyone with an eye watering splits finale. It was too tough for our expert judges and in the end they decided all three classes were worthy winners. The children were rewarded with ice lollies in the sunshine at play time where we recounted the whole experience again and again.

We hope everyone enjoyed the carnival just as much as we did. When can we do it again?!

View all blog entries in Years 1-2