Thinking about where to send your child for Secondary School?

On this page you can find links to local secondary school websites.

Please contact the schools directly for information regarding admission arrangements including entry requirements such as aptitude tests or the 11+ assessments. We do not hold such information for all the secondary schools.

Transition Team

Mrs Sarah Allen (Transition Leader) and Mr Albans

Our main feeder schools are listed below, however we are in no position to say whether places will be available at any particular school from year to year (contact the Admission Team for further clarification on school places). We will support children on their transition to any Secondary School you choose. Follow the links below for more information about secondary schools in our area.

City%20of%20Lincoln175The Priory City of Lincoln

150px-Lincoln_Castle_Academy_crestLincoln Castle Academy

UniformDirect-Uniform-Lincoln-PrioryAcademyLSST-Logo-150The Priory Academy LSST

QE badgeQueen Elizabeth High School

Crest-smLincoln Christ Hospital School

If you have any questions about your child’s transition please contact Mrs King.

Lincolnshire County Council’s Admissions and Appeals site can be found at

The ‘Going to Secondary School in Lincolnshire’ download is available below.

Click here to search for schools’ OfSTED reports and performance information.

The preferred method for applying for a Year 7 place is online. You can also apply by telephoning Admissions Customer Service Centre on 01522 782030.  Alternatively you can request a paper application using the same number. You can apply for up to three state schools, in or out of county on your application. The local authority strongly advise you to name three schools on your application as they cannot guarantee a place at your most preferred school. If you do not live in Lincolnshire you must apply through your home local authority.  You can name Lincolnshire schools on this application.

Different rules apply if you are Service Personnel, live abroad or live in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales. Further information can be found via the admissions site at LCC..

Information on free home to school transport is available on LCC s website.

Important reminder:

There is no automatic transfer to secondary school!

Secondary school applications must be submitted by the end of October – PLEASE CHECK DATES ON THE LCC WEBSITE..