Curriculum Continuity Years 5 & 6
General Advice
– If using a screen, please do not use for a prolonged
period of time. Use for 20 minutes than have a rest for 10 minutes before returning to a
screen. Use your timetable to help you mix screen activities with ‘doing’ activities.
Y5 and Y6 Complete a reading challenge – can you read 20 new books in 2020?
Keep a reading log in your diary of what you read.
Y6 Undertake a reading Comprehension from your CGP books – complete 2 question pages
a day
Y5 and Y6 Use the spelling shed platform
Y5 and Y6 Use classroomsecretskids for grammar
See Purple Mash for other activities set by your teacher
In the pack are writing tasks for a story, lava lamp and instructions for a sailing boat.
Y6 – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP books – do 2 pages of each book every day.
Y5 – see mathletics platform – your teacher will be setting your tasks every day
Y6 – You have a Maths Revision books from CGP. You can complete 2 pages each day and
look at revision guides to help you. Focus on shapes, co-ordinates, measures, data handling
and angles.
Also there may be 2Dos on Purple Mash left by your teacher.
Y6 – Use classroom secretskids for mental arithmetic
Boil a hard-boiled egg. Create a scene from your favourite book, take a photo and send it to
us. (Use what you have at home)
Design an Anderson Shelter in your work book – make a list of the equipment you would use
and then write a set of instructions on how to make it.
Research the following topics and record in your learning books:
Rationing, Evacuees and The Dambusters
Log in to Charanga Yumu – you will see the music lessons we have been learning about.
Continue with these. (You have been given a letter by your teacher)
You have some activities in the paper learning pack.
Look at some of the art work completed by Georgia O’Keefe. Can you copy any of the art?
Take photos and send to you teacher.
Physical Activity
Can you make up your own game?
See the 25 challenges sheet
Platforms to use:
Saxilby Standard Challenge:
Can you complete the 25 challenges to
do at home that are not on the screen? Send your photos to your
teacher to show what you are doing.