Welcome back to Key Stage 1 after the Easter holidays. We hope you all had a lovely break with family and friends and filled your tummies with yummy chocolate!

We are off with a bang with our new topic ‘Our Wonderful World’. We have already been on a mini tour of Lincoln and found out about the exciting things to see and do in our city. We have created brochures and written postcards describing the fun things we have discovered. We have looked closely at the Gothic Architecture of Lincoln Cathedral and have enjoyed drawing detailed sketches; we have even spotted the cheeky Imp that lives in the Cathedral. Come and see our displays full of fantastic work.

We are moving swiftly on in ‘Our Wonderful World’ and have found ourselves applying for a trip to the South Pole! So far we have all passed the fitness test and can’t wait to find out if we have been accepted on Prince Harry’s expedition. Hold on to your woolly hats, I think we might be in for an exciting trip! Photos to follow…

As we discover the Antarctic we will learn about the weather conditions and the affect climate change has on the environment. We will look at ice extracted from the South Pole and work together to see how best to prevent it melting. The topic will also cover the wildlife of the region and we’ll go on to create our own non-chronological report detailing the facts we have learnt. In art we will create Antarctica scenery using paints and collage. As we learn about the different penguins that inhabit the South Pole we’ll be choosing our own media to make our very own Emperor, Gentoo or Adelie penguin. We will hear tales of the history of the race to the South Pole and the role that Ernest Shackleton played in this.

As we progress through the half term we will make stops in Rio and discover an exciting and thrilling carnival that will be experienced as part of Share. I don’t know who will be more excited, the children or the adults!

Our final leg of the journey will see us explore the rainforest where we will investigate the different layers that make up the rainforest and we will look closely at the varied flora and fauna that can be found. We will create an eye-catching poster encouraging people to help save and protect the rainforest and we’ll continue to discuss the different climates of the locations we go to and the type of weather that is experienced there.

In numeracy the children will be focusing on different areas.  The year 2 children are well under way with SATS revision and will be revising doubling and halving, using directional language and coordinates, money and understanding different measures. The children are already showing a fantastic attitude and are keen to practise at home. You can support your child by encouraging him/her to recall number bonds to ten as quickly as possible, recall the 2, 5 and 10 times table or have a go at playing some online maths games http://www.ictgames.com/resources.html . The year 1 children are continuing to work hard and are showing us what clever crocodiles they really are! Mrs Eden’s class are investigating number through partitioning and will be learning new strategies for addition and subtraction. While Mrs Wilkinson’s class will be investigating measures on the school field and practising strategies for doubling and halving as well as multiplication and division.

Volunteers are always welcome to hear the children read.  If you are interested please see your child’s class teacher.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come in and speak to a member of the team.

The Key Stage 1 Team.

View all blog entries in Years 1-2