The children all seem very happy to be back at school after the Christmas Holidays. There have been some changes to the Explorer environment and the routines of the day, but the children have taken this all in their stride and are enjoying the new daily challenges that we plan for them. In Young Explorers the daily challenges will be a teacher Guided Group task.

This week we have been solving Mathematical problems and learning how to use different technology such as the iPads and Beebots. Next week we will be exploring ways of making different sounds and looking at shapes and numbers in the environment.

Winter is upon us and the children are feeling the cold when playing outside. Please make sure that your child has a hat and gloves every day as they always play outside in the playground and in the Learning Garden.

As mentioned in previous newsletters would you please ensure that your child does not bring any toys from home into school unless we have requested items to support our topic work.

Next week our learning will be all about Winter. We will be thinking about the changes that happen in the environment and thinking about how people stay warm in the Winter. We now have a WOW table in the classroom and we would be grateful if you have any winter resources such as Polar bears, Penguins or even topic books that the children could bring in. Children will be able to show and tell these to their friends and keep them on our special table. Please make sure these things are labelled.

We are asking all parents if you have any spare junk modeling such as boxes, tubes, lids and pots please could you bring these into the classroom.

Polite Notice

At the end of the day can all parents please wait outside the classroom until the teacher opens the door. It is very busy at the end of the day and we need to ensure that all children are safely dismissed.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Early Years Team


Polite Reminders

Please bring your child’s Home-School Diary and Reading Book to school EVERY day

Only reception children need to bring a P.E kit to school and not Young Explorers. Reception children have P.E on a Wednesday

Please wash and refill your child’s water bottle every day with water NOT juice

Please label all of your child’s clothing including footwear as lots of children have the same shoes.

You will now receive a newsletter every few weeks to keep you updated with any changes/topic related activities. This will be sent out via email.

Dates for the Diary

Friday 5th February SHARE in the classrooms 8.50-9.20am

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