The Role of the Governors
As well as sharing a common desire to be involved in supporting the school, the governing body have statutory duties by which they are legally bound. Governors work closely with the Headteacher and staff to provide the very best education for the children at our school. We are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the school and ensuring the budget is managed prudently, as well as supporting the staff.
Governors are usually appointed for a period of four years. There are 12 governors in total, each drawn from different part of our school community. We currently have just one vacancy, that of foundation (Church of England) governor. You will find a full list of our governors here.
Each year the governors appoint the Chair and Vice Chair(s) of the Governing Body along with the Chairs of the Committees. Our current Chair and Vice Chairs for 2024-25 are listed here.
Chairs and Vice Chairs 2024-25
Governing Body Meetings
The full governing body meets regular throughout the year, while the two main sub-committees meet once a term to consider the specific areas of ‘Provision and Performance’ and ‘Finance and Personnel’. There are three additional panels, one to approve school policies, one to review the Headteacher’s performance and another to decide on school pay arrangements. From time to time working groups are set up to review particular areas as and when required.
The Governance Structure and Terms of Reference for our Governing Body and its Standing Committees can be found here.
Committee membership for 2024-25 can be found here.
Governor Monitoring Areas
In addition to visiting school on a regular basis, governors also formally monitor activities to ensure that strategies and policies are being implemented appropriately and provide feedback to the governing body on school activities. The areas for governor monitoring change each year according to the school’s priorities. The areas which were monitored during last two years can be found here.
Governor Monitoring Reports 2022-23
Governor Monitoring Reports 2023-24
Governor monitoring responsibilities for 2024-25 can be found here.